Learners are innovative thinkers who are successful, confident, respectful and caring

School Council

Gilbert Paterson School Council is a partnership of administration, teacher reps, parents and community who meet once a month to discuss issues, concerns and topics of interest acting within the framework of their bylaws. Research clearly shows that if parents are actively involved in children’s learning, children will be more successful at school. The school council vision is that a collective association of parents, teachers, principals, staff and community work together to promote the well-being and effectiveness of all in the school community and thereby enhance student learning. This shared commitment will make the common goal a reality – better education.

The school council operates under a town hall model whereby all parents/guardians of children attending Gilbert Paterson are members of the school council. GPCS School Council strives to communicate with all of the parents of the school.

Ammended Bylaws (DRAFT May 2016)