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Recognition Assembly

On Wednesday, March 26th we will be having our second recognition assembly for the year.  We will be celebrating all the amazing things that our students have done during Term 2. Due to the size of the school we will be having an assembly for each grade. 

  • Grade 7's will have their assembly from 8:15 - 9:00
  • Grade 8's will be from 9:05- 9:50
  • Grade 6's will be from 10:00-10:45

If your child is receiving a special recognition you will receive an email by end of day on Tuesday, March 25th to let you know.  Just a reminder that we will not be recognizing honour roll during this assembly.  Now that report cards are finalized from Term 2, students will have the chance to improve their grades until after the Spring break.  We will celebrate honour roll at the end of April. 

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