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VQ Bottle Drive Jan. 7

This coming Saturday, January 7 from 9 AM- 12 we will be going out for a bottle drive to help raise funds for voyage Quebec. Students were handed out a sign-up sheet in class, and given the opportunity to sign up in groups of two or four. If your child like to participate, but did not sign up for a group please have them contact Alain.muise@lethsd.ab.ca. We have had 9 parents sign up to be drivers and many of them have mentioned that they have extra room in their vehicles. Should your child still wish to participate, but does not have access to a vehicle, Please let me know.

Upon completion of the bottle drive, students can bring bottles to either of the north side or the west side bottle depot, where students can donate the bottles to the Voyage Quebec fund. If possible, please make the donations on the northside bottle depot. The greens Pop shop bottle depot on the west side has three other ongoing bottle drives scheduled for that day, and may be overwhelmed. Please note as this is an ongoing donation bin that donations can be made at any time during the remainder of  the school year. All of these donations will go directly to the the students so please encourage all of your friends and family, to donate their empty bottles at these locations.

Thank you for your help and support!

Voyage Quebec fundraising team


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